
Showing posts from October, 2020

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 30 October 2020

     In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 30 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Rather than doing the usual test action script in case you can't it's almost Halloween here in the beautiful sign Fernando valley. decorations are everywhere. Orange streamers are putting in memories when the old white dead almond tree in our travels growing tomatoes are at yard Not to mention blowing streamers from the still burning conflagration because I'm sure you'll agree, the fires are just one of the many things de la has been a ferocious Cretan at Showtime has hockey member is horrible squat this bad. Speaker 2: I know Her Royal Highness Queen Lizzie in a speech UK you voted for not to and ...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 26 October 2020 | GoTranscript Audio Test Answer

    In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 26 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: It was a tranquil and balmy night in midsummer. The sun, leaving a gorgeous afterglow, had disappeared about an hour earlier behind the azure veiled mountains of Simi Valley, where, in the long ago, lived and loved the hero and heroine of the incomparable GoTranscript version of The Odyssey. Just rising above the plain of the Chatsworth reservoir intensified the witchery of that memorable spot, concentrated rated by the Valor of Patriots, battling victoriously against the invading hordes of the Valley Girls. Further South among the Ranchos of Los Angeles County, Rancho Topanga Malibu Secret, more commonly known as...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October 24, 2020 | October 2020

   In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 24 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Hi, I thought I would just do a test while I'm driving in my car, I just got my brakes repaired by steel here is pretty much just the sound of the road and the sound of my rickety car. Um, I know that. Let's see, what did I want to tell you about today? Well, I'm driving down Woolsey Canyon Road in beautiful Chatsworth, California. Speaker 2: And it's about 93 degrees. It's supposed to get up into the hundreds today or maybe tomorrow, but I'm not really sure which day. So today is the day that I just decided to go out and do a nice long walk out in the in the boonies out in the mountains. And...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 22 October 2020 | Gotranscript test answers

   In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 22 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Hi everybody. This is your GoTranscript test creator and I decided to record some tests in my car while I'm driving around. Of course the only problem with that is that since I'm not working with a script like I usually do, that means I get to have the fun time of transcribing it myself. But I've been a transcriber for a few years, so I think I can handle it and I think you can handle it, too, if you just look at the GoTranscript guidelines and refer to them and check everything before you submit your test. It's real important, okay? You can get all the words right and still get rejected even if you ...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers Download Pdf

  In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 20 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Okay, time for a new test, and I'm going to do another one where I'm just kind of driving around and talking about what I see while I'm driving around the beautiful San Fernando Valley, looking at the gorgeous Go Transcript complex of buildings, the awesome majesty of the 110 story tower that the Go Transcript editors and admin people work in. And unfortunately, of course, with all the coronavirus and the COVID shutdowns and stuff, we can't use it right now. So we're all just kind of confined to our homes, and our cars, and stuff like that. And so, unfortunately, that beautiful skyscraper is just ...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer October 2020 | October 18, 2020

  In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 18 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: You know, you can eyes just about any noun you want and turn it into a verb. I was thinking about that when I found a piece of bread that was starting to get stale. Connect. Nice it, possibly. But the point is the fact that I thought of turning futon into horb probably says more about me than about oibre. Perhaps I've been working at GoTranscript skull needle too long is what I'm saying. Speaker 2: Anyway, the best way to make crude tones out of stale bread is first of all, make sure the bread isn't completely stale. It shouldn't have a key black mold on it unless you're running low on penicillin....

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October | October 16, 2020

In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 16 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Time for a brand new test already. Oh, wow. Where does the time go anyway? So how do you like my tests? By the way, would you believe I actually cobbled this one together from bits and pieces of an older test that some scammer accidentally cut and pasted into their test yesterday? Well, I'd so I'd never seen it before. And for all I know, it's not even from GoTranscript. But whoever wrote it has my undying gratitude, though, because, you know, it's tough to come up with, you know, three brand new tests every week. Let's see, what should I talk about today? Well, I heard that people were calling me l...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October 2020 | 15 October 2020

In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 15 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Have you ever heard of a guy named Max Weber? No, no, I don't mean the actor on now. That was a max, right? No, I'm the one I'm thinking of is maximillian Carl Emil Weber, the German sociologist, philosopher and political economist. He was a big proponent of the so called, you know, Protestant work ethic, and wrote a book about it subtitled, the spirit of capitalism in German. In 1930, talcott, Parsons translated that book into English as well. Um, when I saw this book, for the first time, I was like, Wow, it's brilliant. His ideas had a significant influence on social theory, Social Research and the di...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October | 13 October 2020

    In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 13 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Okay. So, once again, I'm getting complaints from us future GoTranscript employees about the background noises in my audio tests. So once again, I'm, I'm completely eliminating the background noises from this test. Okay, aren't you excited? This is going to be the one of people, this is going to be the test that you you finally pass, right? Be right because because you're not geared, you're going to listen carefully. And you're going to follow all the GoTranscript guidelines. You're going to, you're going to format your paragraphs with care. You're going to eliminate all fill...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October 11, 2020

   In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 11 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: So Steve, tell me about exactly what's going on at the Solar Project and what it is that you're planning to do tonight. Steve: Well, I'm trying to connect, figure out a way to adapt a common positive regulator, a solar battery charger with a common negative comparator circuits adjusted, that we then monitor the voltage on the solar panel relative to the battery voltage, and since the polarities of the tube and tool systems are essentially opposite, these were the dilemma, I think it may have found a solution possibly by using the positive input as the negative as a common with the comparator circuit floa...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October

  In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 07 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: PayPal share price is $85. And the color production is also 85. It's called an at the money option. As you probably no all else being equal, the further the option is in the money more profitable that option will get. options can be priced using a variety of different mathematical models. GoTranscript tried to come up with one but honestly black shoals is probably a little more felicitous. This model uses several assumptions about market behavior when pricing an option. Speaker 2: For example, the ability to continuously hedge an option position or to find a place for a GoTranscript editor and take a break. I see...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October

  In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 06 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: There's always something afoot here in the online transcription world. You may have heard about the magic of AI and auger. Because you know, there's something new and exciting. It's called listening for yourself. It's magical. You actually listen to the words coming out of your headphones, some type of using a keyboard into the GoTranscript transcription tool all by yourself. The concept a ever since the invention of the typewriter and the lowly town of Eli in in herkimer. County, New York, in the autumn of 1873. That machine and its modern day equivalents have made themselves such a victus factor in ...

GoTranscript Audio Test Answer | October 03, 2020

 In this blog we provide you GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript test answers. So visit our blog on daily basis if you want to know GoTranscript audio test answers and GoTranscript MCQ'S test. GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 03 October 2020 All MCQ'S Of GoTranscript Test Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Yes today I took a walk in the local forest. The copes that adjoins our property here at GoTranscript is normally lush and verdant. Sadly today it was covered with FOSS check the best known of several brands of long term fire retardants, Class A foams and gels manufactured by perimeter solutions in Ontario, California and Moreland, Idaho. Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the very existence of such materials currently being used for fighting these dreadful wildfires. It's just that salmon and green are not my all time favorite color combination. Seeing them together put me in mind of that painfully bad ...