GoTranscript Audio Test Answer October 2020 | October 18, 2020


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GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 18 October 2020

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

You know, you can eyes just about any noun you want and turn it into a verb. I was thinking about that when I found a piece of bread that was starting to get stale. Connect. Nice it, possibly. But the point is the fact that I thought of turning futon into horb probably says more about me than about oibre. Perhaps I've been working at GoTranscript skull needle too long is what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, the best way to make crude tones out of stale bread is first of all, make sure the bread isn't completely stale. It shouldn't have a key black mold on it unless you're running low on penicillin. In which case toss it into your medicine chest Wait, no your future potential futon bridge should be just a couple of days past its due date. It should just be starting to feel a bit Rocky.

Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

it for now crudeness and melt a little butter poured over your brand. Let it sink into every crevice until the bread is in transparently yellow and yellow. Let it sit for a few minutes to cool down. Now sprinkle your favorite season and on it like garlic, onion, pumpkin spice, herbs de Provence, GoTranscript masala blend or whatever. Now take a really sharp knife like the kind of random Bobby whose daughter husband's baguette. Cut up your bread into small cubes. Put them on a smooth Teflon baking sheet and stick them in the oven for a while. You don't actually have to turn the oven on fact it's better not to.

Speaker 2:

The main thing is that you leave them in a warm place for a while. Take them out later and voila, you could cast your catcher. Aren't you proud? Of course you can do this with pretty much any kind of bread. Some don't need as much season as others. In fact, a good pump nickel or ciabatta is just as good. The only kind that don't seem to work with this process is kings Elian mainly because it never stays around our GoTranscript break room long enough to start getting stale. One caution However, if your bread is made from potatoes, rice or some other fair nation's vegetable, it may be easier to convert it into a very pleasant fermented bread, aka a beer. fact it's been my experience in that too. If you're working with hops you should hop to

Speaker 1:

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GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 18 October 2020

GoTranscript audio test answer 13 October


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