GoTranscript Audio Test Answers March 13, 2023
Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: In the year 1500 ad 1500 people got the plague, but another 1500 made 1500 bucks selling their services to the palace. Even though the vessel with the pestle was the brew that was true. A lot of them had six degrees of separation and seven pounds of perspiration. But unfortunately, the vast majority of them, though educated enough to try failed to look up all those numbers in the GoTranscript guidelines and failed the test. The above was obviously an apocryphal story, although not part of the actual Apocrypha, aka the Book of Revelations found in the New Testament. However, even though revelations chapter one verse 12 References seven golden lampstands. Speaker 2: If I then turn around and say that there were actually 12 lampstands in my unauthorized version, you will be judged on how you formatted both the numbers in this long sentence. Those gold lampstands would be worth a pretty penny today IMHO...