GoTranscript Audio Test Answers February 22, 2022
Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: 1910 was an important year. Halley's comet came along and some predicted the end of the world. Steven Lee Cox first humorous book literary lapses was published, first humorous book I said, for Mr. Leacock, who is professor of political economy at McGill University Montreal, had published his elements of political science in 19, aught six it seems to me that I have heard that literary lapses was obscurely or privately published in Canada before 1910. Mr. John Lane, the famous London publisher, was given a cup copy by someone as he got on a steamer to go home to England. He read it on the voyage, and cabled an offer for it as soon as he landed. This is very vague in my mind, but it sounds probable . At any rate, since that time, Professor Lee Cox humorous volumes, such as nonsense novels, and behind the beyond, have appeared with gratifying regularity. He also wrote a few more serious books, such as l...