GoTranscript Audio Test Answers June 30, 2021
Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: The purpose of this, this test is to- to see if you are paying attention. We have given you a lot of information to help you pass this test. But if you don't follow the guidelines you won't pass. For example, right at the beginning of this test I telling you that this is supposed to be formatted as clean as a clean verbatim transcript, as opposed to full verbatim. There are different ways that transcripts are supposed to be formatted depending on whether their CV or FV. There are even the sample tests and documents provided. So, you can look that up. yet we're constantly flummoxed at how many people ignore that information. Another section of the GoTranscript guidelines specifies just exactly, well, approximately how long your paragraph should be. Are you following that rule? It's, it's pretty easy. And- and yet, you'd be surprised at how many people's tests are just one big ...