
Showing posts from February, 2021

Go Transcript audio test answers 02 March 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

              GoTranscript audio test answers 02 March 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Impaction of the ponch aka the first stomach or rumen. And cattle is sometimes called Green sick or mob on GoTranscript editor's may disagree, but it definitely differs from bloating or who, mainly thereby that the distinction is more solid than dashes it being either with food alone or with food and gas symptomatically it differs also from by the absence of education, and by the hardness of the flanks and the smaller volume of the swelling. It arises from gourgeon with almost any kind of food, even with grain or with chaff at a sudden change of diet. However, it is particularly liable to arise from a surfeit of turnips, fresh grass or any other succulent food at the commencement of the GoTranscript agricultural season. The instrument ca

GoTranscript audio test answers 26 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

             GoTranscript audio test answers 26 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: I went to this place 15 times already and they didn't have the stuff I was trying to get. Maybe if I told him the specs a little more clearly, they would have ordered it but I didn't. That's on me. Anyway, what I needed was 20 pounds of ground ground for that party we're having next week. Sept. I don't know if we're going to be able to have it because a COVID. Normally, we have big Mardi Gras get together in our church parking lot. barbecue ribs and music. But this year, it's going to have to be virtual. I was I was thinking maybe we could make it a virtual barbecue. Maybe encourage everyone to buy their own ground ground and barbecue in their driveway or front yard. Then someone could could drive around with th

GoTranscript audio test answers 23 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

            GoTranscript audio test answers 23 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Let's know distinguish between force and pressure. Pressure refers to the force acting against a unit area, while force refers to the action against the whole surface. For example, the atmospheric pressure is often given as 15 pounds per square inch, or psi. Not to be confused with CSI Miami, which in turn should never be confused with Miami Vice. Anyone else that GoTranscript remember Don Johnson, aka Sonny Crockett, no relation to Davey iirc. Anyway, it's one kilogram to a square centimeter. But on the other hand, the air may exert a force of more than 300 pounds on each side of the hand of a man. Although a woman would be smart enough to move her hand before that happened. A large ship like the Lusitania might be supported by the

GoTranscript audio test answers 20 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

                GoTranscript audio test answers 20 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Um, okay, so yeah, this is another. This is another GoTranscript audio test that you the transcriber need to transcribe. And you need to get the guidelines while you're working. If you're not sure this is supposed to be clean verbatim, not full verbatim. So if you're just using automatic automated transcription software, and having it put in every, every and every so and every, um, and you just submitted like that, well, you're going to be in a world of hurt my friend coast, that is not how you're supposed to be doing the test. You are supposed to be looking at the guidelines before you submit your test and make sure that you proofread your own stuff. And if you if there's any words or things that you can't h

It is fine to copy text from Word or from a website and paste it directly into the WorkHub. | TranscribeMe

TranscribeMe Tips and Reminders Is the below statement True or False? Type True or False in the box below. It is fine to copy text from Word or from a website and paste it directly into the WorkHub. Answer: False    (Type False in the box) Explanation: The sentence is false because according to Style Guide: Never paste into the WorkHub ​ from an external text-processing document. ​ ​All work must be completed online on our WorkHub . If pasting from a website, first paste into your browser's search or address bar to strip formatting, then copy-paste from there into the Hub.     

In TranscribeMe Clean Verbatim, if a speaker says you’re, we expand the contraction to you are. | TranscribeMe

TranscribeMe Informal Speech Is the below statement True or False? Type True or False in the box below. In TranscribeMe Clean Verbatim, if a speaker says you’re, we expand the contraction to you are. Answer: False    (Type False in the box) Explanation: The sentence is false because according to Style Guide: Never change spoken contractions (e.g. y’all, ain’t, don’t, can’t, it’s, et cetera.). Transcribe contractions as spoken. If a speaker says ​they're​, transcribe ​they're​ ​NOT​ ​they are​.

You should always transcribe brand names with the capitalization of the first letter to keep your file consistent, even if your research shows that the name is officially formatted a different way. | TranscribeMe

  TranscribeMe Spelling and Formatting (Research) Is the below statement True or False? Type True or False in the box below. You should always transcribe brand names with the capitalization of the first letter to keep your file consistent, even if your research shows that the name is officially formatted a different way. Answer: False    (Type False in the box) Explanation: The sentence is false because according to Style Guide: We must transcribe brand names according to the research on Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, et cetera. We recommend referencing to distinguish brand names from generic.    

In Clean Verbatim, the words wanna and gonna should be transcribed as want to and going to. | TranscribeMe

TranscribeMe Informal Speech Is the below statement True or False? Type True or False in the box below. In Clean Verbatim, the words wanna and gonna should be transcribed as want to and going to .   Answer: True    (Type True in the box) Explanation: The sentence is true because according to Style Guide: We must transcribe wanna and gonna as want to and going to .  

GoTranscript audio test answers 18 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

               GoTranscript audio test answers 18 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: How much are gold bricks worth? Well, it would be foolish for anyone to try and determine their value based on today's gold price. Here's why. Gold, silver, platinum and other precious metal values fluctuate all the time, just like Michael Buble his popularity, so there are never any guarantees. Still, we do know that GoTranscript secret vault contains bricks loaded with four or five ounce bars for every transcriber hired. The value of these pure 24 karat gold layered bricks is anybody's guess at any given time. This morning, they were worth at least 224 per ounce. But tomorrow they could go for a cool mill. If you play your cards right. Speaking of cards, have you ever played hearts or spades? I used to play them all the tim

GoTranscript audio test answers 16 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

              GoTranscript audio test answers 16 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: According to Dr. Elizabeth Shapley, MD, coffee is not food and should not be used as one. That feeling of satisfaction follows a drink of coffee is solely due to its stimulating effect. Coffee is one of the most powerful heart stimulants known. It is now used in hospitals or formerly brandy or other- other alcoholic stimulants were given a cup or two a strong coffee will wake up even the most sluggish GoTranscript editor nine times out of 10 however pleasant this may seem for a time however, it's inevitable that reaction will set in the bodily functions will grow sluggish and the sensibilities dull. There is a tendency among habitual coffee drinkers. Whether it's Starbucks or screamin. Speaker 2: Beans to stablish that coffee habi

GoTranscript audio test answers 14 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test

             GoTranscript audio test answers 14 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Okay, so it says here that the software is not able to be fulfilled for systems not installed by March 27, 21. And it's subject to a refund if you get the $100 debit card that require service activation. But then it says also you'll receive a claim voucher via email within 24 hours. And the voucher has to be returned within 60 days, well, we'll set some right. Anyway, your- your $100 GoTranscript debit card will arrive in approximately what says six to eight weeks. But given my history with stuff like this, it's probably going to be more like eight to 12 weeks. And anyway, the card is issued by GoTranscript bank na, which is a proud nonmember of the FDIC pyramid pursuant to a license from GoTranscript USA Inc. And there'

GoTranscript audio test answers 2021 Download pdf

             GoTranscript audio test answers 11 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: So Steve, I'd like you to tell me all about all the stuff that happened to you at work yesterday and all that back and forth stuff you were doing. Or I'll just take your conversation.   Speaker 3: Okay, with that interruption in mind. Speaker 2: Yes.  Speaker 3: It sounds a lot like the days at work, but the bell ringing all the time. Mm hmm. Let's see. The question again, I get interrupted. Speaker 2: What was all that stuff you were telling me last night that I was looking like I didn't understand. And then you explained it to me, and I really didn't understand it, about the stuff you were trying to order the parts.  Speaker 3: For the purchase orders, I don't remember that. But I remember we had the service techn

GoTranscript audio test answers 08 February 2021 Download pdf

            GoTranscript audio test answers 08 February 2021 Download pdf Rev Transcription Audio Test Earn money online GoTranscript Guidelines   GoTranscript review Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Back in my day of semicircular steel trough about two feet wide and one foot deep and 15 feet long set on a slope of 45 degrees was used. A lift gate a sheet steel was set in the chute about two feet from the upper end, concrete was allowed to accumulate behind this gate till a wheelbarrow load was head when the batch was let loose by lifting the gate. Then the GoTranscript workers discharged it all into barrows at the bottom. Although john BARROWMAN objected vociferous Lee to this misuse of his name, in another case, a vertical shoot 15 feet long consisting of a 15-inch square box with the canvas and was used. The concrete was dumped into the chute in batches of about eight cubic feet to GoTranscript newbies at the bottom cut down the pile