
Showing posts from August, 2021

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers September 09, 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Why wait for that big breakthrough? When everybody everyone knows 1% improvements, when every time Wouldn't it be a great idea to use metal 3d printing sprout rapid growth to help you differentiate between existing and new nodes currently. If you really tried all you could probably figure out that there are anywhere from four to 11 stages to success in a machine garden project. Since September 2020, we have moved from a strategic phase to a holistic plastic part design phase to select the most suitable plastic materials for an application. As you know, there are at least 1700 people involved in the project. Why wait for that big breakthrough? When everybody everyone knows 1% improvements, when every time Wouldn't it be a great idea to use metal 3d printing sprout rapid growth to help you differentiate between existing and new nodes currently. If you really tried all you could probably figure

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 26,2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: First of all, your mother joined up with our service on the 15th of April 2016. This is several years ago, five years ago at this point, the regulations regarding the contract back then was that it was the customer's responsibility to contact the company involved. We advised your mom at the time that the contract would end in April 2017. On the bill we issued on the 17th of April 2017. We showed that the contract ended on 14, then from the 15th onwards, she was on our standard rate. Let me see if I have this straight. You're saying that her bills are going up and up and up. The bills are increasing due to the actual increase in usage over the last few years. However, once the rates are set, the rates don't change that regularly. It's down to really the usage. For example, just on the usage shutter at your mother's flat alone, in 2021, her usage increased and peaked at an average

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 20, 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: As part of the intermediaries for scale of work, we, we participated in the ICA, the capacity assessment. And we received feedback already from AIR about that. My understanding is that this project, the SDP project, is a deeper dive, we need you to help us understand better about direction or directions where we can go to really focus on a project and help us increase our capacity. That's, that's why it's a good thing, especially if we can be a deeper dive. Can we spend only about 45 minutes on this? Also, I'm- I'm going to ask you a couple of questions where I'm going to ask you about a thing about data that you collect in house and then data that you might collect from your post-secondary partners. Also, we should talk a little bit about qualitative and quantitative data. There's some sort of 15-minute survey we discussed earlier. We built a homemade system to handle most

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 15, 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: This is the first thing I'm writing this morning. It's almost 9:00 AM. And it's time to start working on the applications. I wonder if there's, if there are going to be any good ones today. Most of the time, people just cut and paste what they find on the internet. Unfortunately, that doesn't work too well, in most cases, as the online sites such as YouTube and TikTok are chock full of scammers. The biggest problem is that most people don't look it to GoTranscript guidelines or the test instructions. There are so many basic mistakes they make, which could so easily be remedied if they just take the time to proofread and look up the instructions. For example, a lot of people don't format the speaker labels correctly. I talked about that in an earlier test. Another issue is that people don't enter paragraphs correctly. So, there are very specific instructions in the guideli

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 12, 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. (Click here for download pdf 👇👇) Speaker 2: There are at least two different ways to go about passing this test. So, one is to cheat, people will copy and paste other people's tests which they found on YouTube or TikTok or some other unknown online site. Another is to pay someone else to take the test for you. In which case you better be sure they knew really know what they're doing. As all I have to say, either of those ways will almost always result in you failing, because we can usually figure it out pretty quickly. A better way to pass the test would be to avoid the online sites and just stick with GoTranscript zone test instructions and the guidelines. Sure, not everything will be in the guidelines, but it's the best place to start. For example, it'll tell you how long your paragraph should be, and whether or not you should type all those arms and ahhs and weird background noises. The guid

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 10 August 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: The food after mastication by the teeth and solution by the action of the saliva, gastric and other juices is taken up by a system of vessels and mingling with the venous blood is carried to the heart once it is sent to the lungs to be aerated, and back again by another set of vessels to the heart, to be finally pumped through the arteries to all parts of the body, carrying materials for the repair of the tissue and production of heat. In the very minute terminations of the capillary arteries in those structures, where the molecular change of the body goes on, the current of the blood is very slow to enable the warmth and sustenance of the body to be kept up by the chemical actions of destruction and reproduction of tissue. The- the oxygen in the arterial blood obtained from the lungs is carried throughout the system and assists these actions. Therefore, perfect respiration and pure air are the grea

GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 05, 2021

Speaker 1:  This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. Speaker 2: Let's talk about speaker labels and how GoTranscript formats them. I have to laugh as I know that a lot of you won't really listen to the instructions on this test, but instead we'll just copy and paste from some YouTube or TikTok video stills since it's one of the big reasons a lot of applications are rejected. Um, perhaps those of you who really want to enter the exciting world of home transcription will pay attention. First, Speaker labels are supposed to be in bold, followed by a colon. Not the kind of colon you have in your body, and not the kind of Cologne that was Christopher Columbus's last name and Portuguese. No, I'm talking about the kind that looks like two vertical dots, one stacked on top of the other. The colon is also supposed to be bold, but not the text following it. Second, Speaker labels go right in line with the text. They don't go above the test text exc