Go Transcript audio test answers 02 March 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test


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Impaction of the ponch aka the first stomach or rumen. And cattle is sometimes called Green sick or mob on GoTranscript editor's may disagree, but it definitely differs from bloating or who, mainly thereby that the distinction is more solid than dashes it being either with food alone or with food and gas symptomatically it differs also from by the absence of education, and by the hardness of the flanks and the smaller volume of the swelling. It arises from gourgeon with almost any kind of food, even with grain or with chaff at a sudden change of diet. However, it is particularly liable to arise from a surfeit of turnips, fresh grass or any other succulent food at the commencement of the GoTranscript agricultural season. The instrument called a probe bang being introduced, either to decide whether the case be one of the one a hoof or one a mile bond, or to ascertain the degree to which the latter disease exists.

Speaker 2:

If the probe bang brings on a sudden rush of gas, the disease is wholly or cheaply. If it encounters a solid resistance, the disease mound and exists in a degree of aggravation proportion to the nearest the near pneus of the point at which the resistance is felt. Try an anti-bang instead. By the way, that last joke was brought to you by a GoTranscript editor who shall remain nameless, in mild cases of impaction of the couch. When the animal does not seem to be suffering much pain and doesn't have a fever, but merely stopped chewing his or her cud, refuses to eat, and lies long and indolently in one posture, like one of those lazy GoTranscript admins. A dose of oil or a little forced walk in may be enough to affect the care in cases which though on the whole, our company with the kind of inertia or with a, with an insuperable reluctance to rise or to move about stimulants such as ether, diluted with alcohol and water may be required.

Speaker 2:

In the case of a GoTranscript admin. Try some Palooza courses it's entirely- entirely possible we're talking about ring bone. Mr. Wb s of scoliosis, Iowa says that in the absence of any information to the contrary, lameness may be regarded as due to the development of ring bone, there is no certain cure for this disease. All that may be expected from treatment is to slow down its rate of progress or development, maybe to eight or 10 miles per hour. In every case, more or less stiffness or lameness will remain dependent upon the extent of its development, and whether or not at past the GoTranscript editors test. After that subsequent hard work, or any calls of renewed irritation, such as your annoying ex-boss sending you a friend request on Facebook will be apt to further aggravate the case and cause increase in lameness. The usual course of treatment in such cases consists of blistering firing, or just telling your ex-boss to get banned, or maybe all three combined with subsequent long rest or seasons Liberty on pasture. 

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript test answers 02 March 2021

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