GoTranscript audio test answers 14 February 2021 | How to pass Rev transcription test


GoTranscript audio test answers 14 February 2021 Download pdf

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Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it says here that the software is not able to be fulfilled for systems not installed by March 27, 21. And it's subject to a refund if you get the $100 debit card that require service activation. But then it says also you'll receive a claim voucher via email within 24 hours. And the voucher has to be returned within 60 days, well, we'll set some right. Anyway, your- your $100 GoTranscript debit card will arrive in approximately what says six to eight weeks. But given my history with stuff like this, it's probably going to be more like eight to 12 weeks. And anyway, the card is issued by GoTranscript bank na, which is a proud nonmember of the FDIC pyramid pursuant to a license from GoTranscript USA Inc. And there's no cash access and no recurring payments. That's good. It can be used any everywhere that that GoTranscript debit cards are accepted, which is basically- basically know where card is valid up to.

Speaker 2:

Let's see, I can't tell if it says six months or 60 months. So, let's just say it's valid from six to 60 months, unused funds will be will forfeit. No unused funds will be forfeited after the valid through date. And what is a through date? I got to look that up. Anyway, card terms and conditions apply. The equipment that is shown in the ad might require additional fees. Oh, that's for sure. Because you know you got to get headphones and stuff like that could probably get by without the floor pedal. Most transcribers will tell other new transcribers that they have to get a floor pedal, but honestly, they're usually the ones that are selling the pedal so don't let them pedal anything to you that you don't need get it. Anyway, the touchscreen. GoTranscript touchscreen. Oh, that's a good idea. And then let's see, oh yeah, there's a six months money back guarantee, which is worth exactly what the paper it's printed on is worth which is basically nothing because I'm not printing this on any paper. 

Speaker 2:

It's says the customer presenting the GoTranscript debit card with this original certificate will be able to receive a reimbursement of up to 500 smackeroos of the customer's homeowner’s insurance deductible, if any and only c says if and only if all of the following requirements are met to GoTranscript’s reasonable satisfaction. First of all, the property loss and the result of a burglary that took place when the security system was installed at the transcribers protected premises was in good working order and was turned on. And while all the customers excuse me, not the customers the transcribers, doors and windows were locked and to the intruder entered the transcribers offices through a door window or maybe time machine I don't know how this stuff works. It just sounds crazy to me, but what do I know? I'm just a transcriber.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript test answers 14 February 2021

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