GoTranscript Audio Test Answers August 15, 2021

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

This is the first thing I'm writing this morning. It's almost 9:00 AM. And it's time to start working on the applications. I wonder if there's, if there are going to be any good ones today. Most of the time, people just cut and paste what they find on the internet. Unfortunately, that doesn't work too well, in most cases, as the online sites such as YouTube and TikTok are chock full of scammers. The biggest problem is that most people don't look it to GoTranscript guidelines or the test instructions. There are so many basic mistakes they make, which could so easily be remedied if they just take the time to proofread and look up the instructions. For example, a lot of people don't format the speaker labels correctly. I talked about that in an earlier test.

Another issue is that people don't enter paragraphs correctly. So, there are very specific instructions in the guidelines about how long each paragraph is supposed to be. It's some it's spelled out exactly and- and yet for all intents and purposes, I think it just said to make your test one big blob of a paragraph. That's not actually what it says though. So, if you're if your transcript of what I'm saying right now, has anything less than, oh, let's say three paragraphs, I can pretty much guarantee it's going to be rejected. I mean, even if you've got all the words transcribed correctly, so what if you don't pay attention to the formatting guidelines? How are you any better than an AI program which we could get for free?

No, if you want to pass the test, you really have to focus on making sure your paragraphs are 500 characters or less. Okay, granted, every so often, they have to be a little bit longer. And of course, it's- it's possible for your paragraphs to be too short as well. Some people will put every sentence on a separate line so it winds up looking like freeform poetry like Archie unhittable. If you're old and or well-read enough to get that reference. We get that it's- it's not a hard or it's not a rigid, hard and fast rule. But it is a rule and you are expected to get as close as possible to that instruction. You're also expected to read the rules for format numbers so that if- if I tell you that nine out of 10 people won't pass the test, based on the numbers I just dictated, you'll understand why. Please be that one out of 10 people who do it right won't show.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers 15 August 2021

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  1. we've had an enormous expansion of an equality .I think in many ways our perception of the society we live in has not in all caught up with the reality
    which is fully a return to gilded age levels in the united states. actually Thomas piketty is a nice point was
    the gilded age was a lot of self made men and what we’re having increasingly looks instead more like his own country is “ Belle époque “ which was large the society down by enhrited wealth and that’s an important thing to note .
    a little help here with this !


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