GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 06 June 2021


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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

It's, it's interesting sort of idle thinking. I mean, you're saying to me, well, you go back there to the Cambrian explosion, what are you going to do when you get there? Listen, you can't go back and happened millions of years ago. Although some of my super religious friends would say 6000 or less. Unfortunately, cancer is a process of evolution that reiterate itself endlessly. We really have a system in cancer biology where we can test this principle of reproducibility. The TCGA data show precisely what evolution is would have expected. However, the process of evolution is not reproducible. Since cancer evolves, the people. I mean, the medical community medical doctors are the least receptive to the idea of disease evolution. We already know that from their first rudimentary primordium to the termination of their lives.

Speaker 2:

All animals undergo perpetual transformations, which are in part produced by their own exertions and consequences of their desires and aversions, other pleasures and pains of their pleasures and their pains or of irritations, or of associations. Many of these acquired forms or propensities are transmitted to their prosperity. Cancer is unfortunately one of those desperate diseases to which the human frame is liable, and more to be dreaded than any other in as much as it is insidious in its approach, and destructive to the greatest degree when it is perfectly developed. The starting point is very much the brain and the fact that the brain integrates 1000s of symbols from the periphery about nutrient stores, including the hormone leptin, but also other nutritional SIG signals and also signals that relate to meals like when they start an end for satiety.

Speaker 2:

Then when we zoom in on the hypothalamus, we- we know from studies and animals that there are these key specialized nuclei or regions in the hypothalamus. Every step of this evolution chosen increasing toxic state of the fluids in the bowels. After constipation is established, the efforts at securing evacuations are of such a nature as to irritate the SEACOM. drugs to force movement caused painful distinctions of this portion of the bowels. The drugs sim stimulate peristalsis of the small intestine. Each way from the small intestine breaks on the walls of the tick them for the colon is loaded with fecal accumulation so that the onrushing contents of the small intestine cannot be received by the colon. Hence, the force of the whole peristaltic impact is spent on the SEACOM which must endanger the integrity of the mucosa as well as the musculature.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript test answers 06 June 2021

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  1. did anyone try to do the test in Spanish??? I can't pass it. HELP


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