GoTranscript Audio Test Answers March 09, 2022

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

On top of that, it's all in management. It can be optimization of the process, for example, for energy saving and the process as an example, or inefficiency. Then, more recently, it's machine learning about diverse spaces in order to gather all this data into a data analytics bowl data. And to improve the process management through all this data. Again, the continuous processes were the start. And now the trend. And I think it is the big move of the market. It's about implementing the same view in discrete processes. So the processes that you see in the factory where you have several machines, where you have a product transfer from one machine to the other, where you have physical objects going from one step to the next step with different transformations. Now the big trend is to implement the same view on a global scale in such a workshop.

This is new, because, in fact, the possibility to connect all the machines together, all the very small steps together is something which is new to the opposite of the continuous processes, where it has been done much earlier in their history. Global Connections a one machine is a new trend. This means that the machines are connected to a Global Information Service, which is the MES not the same as the mess you get into when you're working too hard. There are also additional sensors which is new also no sorry, what is new also is the fact that there is a new trend to develop specific sensors and to implement specific sensors on all these small parts and all this let's say local area, in order to get more information and to enrich the MES, you get information of course, there are very simple information here like electrical data regarding the electrical supply of the machines, you have also temperature, you can have pressure in some case, where there is pressure concern.

For example, if if there is a process like 3d printing, for example, where you need to have vacuum in a specific chamber, then you would get the pressure in this chamber. It's it's an example, you can have vibration, there are a lot of applications which are done by capturing the vibration on axis. All the CNC machines have axes, which are rotating, you have specific sensors to capture the vibrations on such axes, of course OrCAD capture also the linear movements of all the parts and you can check that by linear movement has the right speed and the right geometry and so on. All the data, all this data of course, it's a huge amount, at least 1500 or whatever measurements we use. All this data are input in mes and they are part of this idea to gather all the data in the global manufacturing overview of.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers  2022

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