GoTranscript Audio Test Answers October 03, 20

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

I'm just applying from a three day road trip in which I traveled almost 1500 miles both ways. Those pretty far but not as far as some of our astronauts who went to the moon in the same amount of time. And that's a whopping 386,400 kilometers from wherever you're sitting right now. Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin meet their fable trip, even learning scientists weren't 100% sure what was there. In fact, they weren't sure till the moment the eagle landed, whether it would land on solid ground or sink into lunar lunar dust. It was kind of scary when you think about it. Before that, scientists made a lot of assumptions about our friend the moon, they could see it pretty clearly through telescopes.

So course they knew it was more or less a perfect circle. That is to say the measure diameters and all directions were equal. Therefore, they inferred that the real form of the moon was that of a perfect sphere. They also knew that the moon's axial rotation was so slow, that the flattening produced nearby, although it must exist was so slight as to be imperceptible tomorrow observation. Assuming the moon to have been once in a fluid state, they speculated that the traction of the Earth would accumulate a mass of matter, like tidal elevation in the direction of line joining the center, so the two bodies. As a consequence, the real shape of the moon must be an ellipsoid, or somewhat egg shaped body, the major axis which is directed towards the earth, I'm a guy named Laplace said, and I quote, it would be against all probability to suppose that these two motions had been at their origin perfectly equal.

However, some other guys thought it was enough just to say, geez, it's obviously round up and move on. The next thing they figured they had to figure out was its size. Today, we know that the moon's mean radius is about 1080 miles. If, if you want to be a whiz kid, you can multiply that by two and get the diameter. Just to really get your math brain working. I'll tell you that it's equitorial circumference is 6783 miles, give or take half a mile, which I think we can allow, since these tests can only be so long.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers October 2021

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