GoTranscript Audio Test Answers September 13, 2021

 Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

You know typically in older homes the technology over engineered a bunch of stuff. A hair cough seen some foundations from the 30s and 40s that are put together way better than anything today. Even the combined efforts of Ralph Macchio Williams AB could Martin Cove couldn't make the older receded neighborhoods look any better. Those old engineers massively over engineered the concrete says it's going to last forever. Because some of the other technologies are quite as new. For example, there's this thing called knob and tube wiring on an about you but that sounds vaguely obscene to me. It's not though it's, it's a real thing. The- the problem with it is that even though it's technically not a red flag per se, because that knob and tube wiring is still in functional law work in order, not properly grounded.

That makes it a little bit more dangerous, because you do have some, some exposed wires and connections where you got to watch out for insurance companies get a little jumpy sometimes when they know a house has knob and tube and tend to limit their deductibles to no more than 10% or 1500 bucks if you're lucky. As long as they know about it up front though, and you spell it out on your- your insurance form it, it shouldn't be an issue. Now. Now, some people have upgraded their wiring from two prong outlets that aren't grounded to three prong outlets that are which sounds pretty smart. But since the average IQ in the US is only 98 points. Don't be surprised if it turns out they forgot the simple task of putting on a cover over the junction box to make it a little safer.

Whether heads are a pretty big problem to have whether heads are designed to keep water off of the main service line as it enters your house and there was one, I worked on yesterday that was just sticking out and had electrical tape covering it with a weatherhead you want it pointed down. There's a loop drip loop there. So as the water drips off the loop for it hits the service lining goes inside the house. I'm telling you, some of these homeowners are as dumb as dirt. I mean nice folks, don't get me wrong, the kind that will give you the shirt off in their backs. Only problem is they keep forgetting to wash the shirts. So, as you wind up covered in the same dirt, which doesn't do wonders for your IQ.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

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