GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 27 September 2021

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CFOs hold purse strings. And this is where once the CFOs on board, you have teams that take up their vision in the CFO, this is where they may now start working together really effectively. Because first of all, you've got a team saying, look, we need 3 million bucks or something. The CFO might say, if you shape it like this, I can't approve a budget of 3 million bucks or even 25 centavos. But if you really try, maybe we can get at least 1700 shareholders to invest their hard earned casino morongo winnings. This is where the CFO said, Look, if you put the program to me in this way, I won't sign it off. However, if you sell it to me in this way I will. Now we're working collaboratively together. Then the CFO goes up in front of a bunch of analysts and investors, like in the Michael Douglas movie Wall Street. And when they say, Mr. Gekko, you've just signed off a billion smackers on this Digital Transformation Program. Why aren't you actually pumping that basically into share buybacks or something like that?

This is where now the CFO and the CEO, and maybe even the CEO, particularly in the larger programs now need to go, Hey, idiot, it's a strategic imperative. It's very important that we digitize our business because x, x, x and sometimes even z, they've got to be able to defend it. Actually, in a lot of respects, particularly when it comes to facing off in front of the press, analysts, investors and everything else, the CEO and CFO, not forgetting the CEO have to own it. I mean, ultimately, if they can get the shareholders bought in great if the shareholders don't buy in, and they still got to hold the port. And we've seen a couple of examples. Now, again, within some of the pharmaceutical industry where their shareholders have said, Look, we don't want you spending billions of dollars on a digital transformation program. We want you to do things like share buybacks, basically, whatever it happens to me, or invest in a new business unit or buy a company. These CEOs have to stand in front of analysts and say, okay, we get that. I mean, you might not be on board, but we need to do this. And we're doing it.

There have been a number of cases where the CEO can be very strong, you know, that's another key component in digital transformation feels like on the one hand, you're doing digital transformation. You're spending money to save money. So, there's is that traditional ROI? Not to be confused with the well known ruing Lu Lopez are opening in my husband's favorite board game. You may not known this, but when I'm not making audio test for GoTranscript I also work as a part time field interviewer for a market research company, kind of like one of those secret shoppers. There are a bunch of banks in Europe like HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Lloyds Bank, and a correct sim bank, spelled just like it sounds UK Rei exci MBA UK. Thus, one of the major banks wanted to find out how businesses were prepared to deal with this crisis and what they would learn from it. So, they sent me to find out get some kind of like the third party boy.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

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