GoTranscript Audio Test Answers September 09, 2021

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Speaker 2:

Why wait for that big breakthrough? When everybody everyone knows 1% improvements, when every time Wouldn't it be a great idea to use metal 3d printing sprout rapid growth to help you differentiate between existing and new nodes currently. If you really tried all you could probably figure out that there are anywhere from four to 11 stages to success in a machine garden project. Since September 2020, we have moved from a strategic phase to a holistic plastic part design phase to select the most suitable plastic materials for an application. As you know, there are at least 1700 people involved in the project.

Why wait for that big breakthrough? When everybody everyone knows 1% improvements, when every time Wouldn't it be a great idea to use metal 3d printing sprout rapid growth to help you differentiate between existing and new nodes currently. If you really tried all you could probably figure out that there are anywhere from four to 11 stages to success in a machine garden project. Since September 2020, we have moved from a strategic phase to a holistic plastic part design phase to select the most suitable plastic materials for an application. As you know, there are at least 1700 people involved in the project.

In this presentation, our CNC software engineer will discuss how to reduce cycle time in three axis mill and five axis mill finishing operations. Leveling and diverting issues may cause metrology grade laser track scanning issues in your galvao based lasers, as opposed to flatbed slash gantry tools for laser marking. using multiple lasers is always better idea. We recommend at least eight but no more than 12. Finally, don't forget to sign up for a membership before you head out for lunch. It's a it's usually 138 50 but today only we'll let you join for only 99 for your first year. What a bargain a Okay, we'll see you back later than one o'clock or 130 by.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers September 2021

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