GoTranscript Audio Test Answers July 05, 2021

Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

Hello, and welcome to our zoom call on this Sunday, July 4 1776. as those of you traveling through time to join us already know, the telephone won't be invented till 1876. But if you managed to get one through the wormhole with you, please mute it now, things before we start just a gentle reminder that members of the media and the press are not authorized to be on this call. If you are from the media or the press, please disconnect from the call now. Unless you're working for Mr. Franklin at the Pennsylvania Gazette, or from Entertainment Tonight because I love that show. Where was I? Oh, yes, the content presented on this conference call is excruciating, Lee proprietary. It's only to be shared with people affiliated with the members of the Second Continental Congress, their families, their business associates, and no more than 1500 of their closest and dearest friends.

Further, as a matter of legal compliance, we remind you that you must not attempt to elicit from any speaker at this event any material nonpublic information. For example, don't ask Mr. Hancock if you can do a handwriting analysis. Also, don't ask Mr. Washington to refer you to a dentist. He really hates that. Remember that the speaker may decline to respond to any questions at his or her or their full discretion. You may not publish or otherwise publicly disclose the name of or otherwise identify the speakers unless we permitted in writing. At the end of this event, we will email each of you a signed copy of the Declaration of Independence. As soon as the committee of five consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston can make john Dunlap get out of bed, turn off his alarm clock and open up his bread shop. However, those of you who are traveling back to 1989 may enjoy knowing that a Philadelphia man found one of these original so called Dunlap broadsides.

Hidden in the back of a picture frame he bought at a flea market for four bucks, he resold it at auction for 8.1 million in 2000. So, I guess that gives you 11 years to try and talk him down. By the way, if anyone tries to sell you what they claim to be the original declaration, be sure to turn it over before you turn over your hard-earned cash and look for the watermark which reads original declaration of independent state of fourth to ISO 1776. If it's not there, put your dogecoins away. Finally, since this is really a GoTranscript audio test, um, and not an actual own zoom call by time trouble, we must state that if you don't format the numbers 512 and 16 correctly in the sentence, you won't pass the test. So, by attending this event, you agree to all of these restrictions. It's now my pleasure to turn the call over to that other speaker who tells you what the test is for.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, hon. This audio will be used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers 06 July 2021

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  1. Clearly just copy any pasting from a transcriber software. It clearly states that if certain numbers aren't formatted properly, you will fail. And the software does not format it properly (along with a lot of other things). I only used something like that after transcribing on TranscribeMe to check for words I can't make out after 20 attempts listening to it, and not as a way to avoid the work and do it faster/more lazily. It isn't necessary for GoTranscript because their audios are way clearer to understand than other software.

    But posting "answers" when all you did is put it in a software and not actually check or pass is dishonest and screwing other people over that don't know it's bs. At least put something in your post saying it's unverified/ungraded to let people know.


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