GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 03 June 2021


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Speaker 1:

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Speaker 2:

I really enjoy driving around the San Fernando Valley. There are so many pretty little back roads what writer William least heat moon called Blue highways in his book of the same name. For example, there are Canyon roads everywhere. Some well-known and regularly referred to on a traffic report such as Topanga Canyon, box Canyon, Malibu Canyon, but the ones I like are things like the North American cut off road near the infamous Santa Susanna field laboratory, and my personal favorite Black Canyon highway. Now, none of these roads has more than two lanes at best, they're more or less well maintained and do have regular traffic along them. However, potholes deep enough to take out a Mack truck aren't at all unusual.

Speaker 2:

You might think people would avoid roads like that, and some do, but I'm here to tell you that the reason they're so beloved is because they're so lightly traveled. That wildlife has a real chance to flourish. One morning on my way up the hill from Sage ranch just before the turnoff for Wolfie. I was I surprised a deer or rather he surprised me. It could have been disastrous but fortunately I saw him just in time to slam on my brakes. He sailed majestically over the hood of my decrepit old gas guzzler a real California mule beer with giant antlers and an insertion expression on his face. Hmm. He seemed to say as he glided past, you can't stop me. He was right too. But next time, we might not be so lucky. Cars and deer do regularly collide. And usually it's not a very positive outcome for either the deer or the car. According to State Farm Insurance Company, US drivers have a one in 116 chance of colliding with a deer on average.

Speaker 2:

There are over one and a half million deer related car accidents around the world every year. And since it's estimated that there are at least 20 million deer in North America. That's a pretty sizable amount of venison hitting the roadways. Of course, while it's sad to see deer or other animals being killed that way, let's not forget that last year there were over 200 people killed, as well as 1.1 billion in property damage caused by these lovable mammals. It's enough to make you want to hop on your Schwinn and take your chances but just switching from a car to a bike might not make you a whole lot safer. Deer have been known to slam into bikes too. I mean, you could try an E bike, but which- which sounds like a great idea but since electric bikes will range in cost from a low of 600 bucks to over 8000, they're- they're pretty much out of my wheelhouse now right now. Yeah, it's enough to make me think stay in home might just be the best option.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript test answers 03 June 2021

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