GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 03 September 2020

 Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. And yes, you do have to type it.

Speaker 2:

This treatise will exhibit a bunch of easy methods of detecting fraudulent added adulteration of food and other stuff classed among the necessaries or luxuries of the table, and put the unwary on their guard against the use of such commodities, as are contaminated with substances deleterious to help that GoTranscript. Every sensible monarch is aware that bread, beer, wine and other substances employed in domestic economy are frequently met with in an adulterated state. The late convictions of numerous individuals for counterfeiting and adulterating tea, coffee, bread, Beer, pepper. GoTranscript guidelines and other articles of diet are still fresh in the memory of the public to such perfection of ingenuity has the system of counterfeiting and adulterating various commodities of life arrived in this country that spurious articles are everywhere to be found in the market and GoTranscript made up so skillfully as to elude the discrimination of the most experienced churches. of all possible nefarious traffic and deception practice by mercenary de Lis, though that of adulterating the articles intended for human food with ingredients deleterious to health is the most clear mental and has to just discussed every ordinary person other than Nosferatu. Numerous facts are on record of human food contaminated with poisonous ingredients having been vented to GoTranscript. The annals of medicine record tragical events ensuing from the use of such food. The eager and insatiable thirst for gain is proof against the prohibitions and penalties, even if they're enumerated in the good transcript guidelines. The possible sacrifice of our fellow creatures life is a secondary consideration among unprincipled dealers. However invidious the office may appear, and however painful the duty may be of exposing the names of individuals who have been convicted of poisoning food, it was necessary that cases should be addressed in their support. I have carefully avoided citing anything from the GoTranscript guidelines, except those which are authenticated in Parliament, dirty documents and other public records. To render this treatise still more useful. I have always also animate verted on certain material errors, sometimes unconsciously. Committed to accidental ignorance in private families and that GoTranscript during the preparation of various articles of food and of delicacies for the table, stating the experimental proceedings necessary for the detection of the fraud, which it has been my object to expose, I have confined myself to the task of pointing out such operations only as maybe performed by persons and acquainted with chemical science. It has been my purpose to express all necessary GoTranscript guidelines in the plain language divested of those recondite terms of science, which would be out of place in a work intended for general preview. So, if the views hidden should induce a single the reader to pursue the object for which it is published. My work will have been done. The main thing I want to do is impress upon the minds of GoTranscript transcribers that, contrary to what Dr. Tim Leary may have said, that is dead. In that airport for the abolition of such nefarious practices, it is in the interest of all classes of the community to cooperate fully.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

1) If you couldn’t understand something, what would you do?

a) Mark that word as unintelligible with the specified time [unintelligible 00:00:13].

b) Skip this word as it wasn’t said at all.

c) Make up your own markings and guess the word according to the context.

2) I met ____ in Lithuania.

a) Jane


c) jane

3) If there is a sentence, “Last month, I went to Warsaw, the capital of Poland’’ but a speaker pronounces it as Varshav, how will you transcribe the name of the capital?

a) Warsaw.

b) Warsaw, Warshaw, Varshav. All the options are acceptable.

c) Varshav. Transcribe the way it sounds.

d) Warshaw.

4) If the quality of audio or video Úles is horrible, what do you have to do?

a) If the audio is inaudible, let the support know about this case. GoTranscript will contact the client and provide him with the refund.

b) Just do your best and try to work on it regardless.

c) If many parts are simply unintelligible due to the accents or topic, leave the file for other people who may provide quality work.

5) A customer dictates instruction on how to transcribe audio. Do you have to transcribe the instruction word for word?

a) Instruction for spoken directions (new paragraph, comma, period) should only be followed unless a client specifies otherwise.

b) Instruction should be followed AND transcribed.

c) Instruction should be transcribed.

6) If a speaker made a grammatical error in the sentence “I saw one children”, how would you transcribe it?

a) “I saw one childrens [sic].

b) I saw one children [sic].

c) I saw one children.

7) My eyes ___ blue.

a) was

b) be

c) are

d) is

8) Which of the following, slang words or spoken contractions, should be transcribed in a Clean Verbatim Úle the way it is said?

a) Spoken contractions

b) None

c) Slang words

9) Which sentence is correctly capitalized and punctuated?

a) yes, Ana. You can. do this

b) Yes, Ana. You can do this.

c) yes, Ana. You can. do this

d) Yes Ana. You can do this.

10) If there is an ‘et cetera’ in the audio, what should you do?

a) Leave ‘et cetera’ out.

b) Transcribe it as etc.

c) Transcribe ‘et cetera’ as a part of the audio.


  1. Hello, I really need assistance. I've tried out twice and I'm pretty sure I transcribed corretly but still got rejected. If anyone can assist I would really appreaciate.

  2. I submitted this when I tried out for a test. Please help me identify where I went wrong. Your input is greatly appreciated.

    Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.
    Speaker 2: There are at least two different ways to go about passing this test. One is to cheat. People will copy and paste other people's tests which they found on YouTube or TikTok or some other online site. Another is to pay someone else to take the test for you, in which case you better be sure they really know what they're doing. That's all I have to say. Either of those ways will almost always result in you failing because we can usually figure it out pretty quickly. A better way to pass the test would be to avoid the online sites and just stick with GoTranscript's own test instructions and the guidelines. Sure, not everything will be in the guidelines but it's the best place to start. For example, it'll tell you how long your paragraph should be and whether or not you should type all those ums and uhs and weird background noises [clears throat].
    The guidelines will give you examples of how to format numbers. If I were to say, for example, that there are from two to 12 different ways of formatting different types of numbers, you'll be able to find out exactly how to write those numbers. You'll also know when to spell out numbers as words and when to use numerals. There are examples provided to show how a speaker label should look and what kind of labels to use. There are sample tests in Word format that you can download and study to see how your own transcript should look. The best way to pass the test is to use all the information provided in the test instructions and the guidelines. It's all there to help you. Sometimes people ask if we are really hiring transcribers because they've applied multiple times and failed. The answer is yes, but we want those transcribers to be really, really good.
    Look at it from the point of view of the customers. Imagine that you've been accused of a terrible crime but you have audio evidence that proves you are innocent. You need a really good accurate transcript of your audio to show your lawyer, who charges $100 a minute and doesn't provide transcription services. Would you trust your precious, lifesaving audio to some jerk who paid for an account and doesn't really know how to transcribe? [chuckles] I don't know about you but not me pal. I'd rather have someone who knows how to listen and how to accurately transcribe what they hear, so as I can get that accurate transcript back tout suite or tout de suite, as the French say, and get out of jail free. Well, if not free at least as cheap as possible. The moral of this long-winded audio test is, don't cheat your way in. Do a good job. Someone's life may depend upon it.
    Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

    1. Where you went wrong was coming to this website in the first place. All their number formatting and paragraph formatting is incorrect.

  3. Hi guys. Please help me with the test for audio that starts with " Did you ever hear of walking in a small town in England where there seems to be a plethora of job opportunities"? Well thats because it doesnt exist probably, if it does though its probably a very industrious place,

  4. Please help with:

    Ian Oswald in Great Britain and Anthony Kales at UCLA were the first to study hypnotics in terms of online sleep laboratory testing. That began when barbiturates were really the only thing available. It was clear that barbiturates were addicting, and that they were dangerous. This was about the time when the very first benzodiazepine hypnotic was marketed by Hoffmann-La Roche company and it was called flurezapam. Dalmane was more effective than, say, nembutal. It was certainly much, much safer and tended not to lose its efficacy over a relatively short period of time. Now, nobody was studying sleep every night for months. Testing was done. Dalmane, first of all, did not suppress REM sleep-- so one of the things was it didn't suppress REM sleep. Well it does does suppress, somewhat at a higher dosage, but at any rate, it induced sleep, it was safe, didn't suppress REM sleep. And what they missed, entirely, in those early days was that Dalmane had a long-acting active metabolite, so they [inaudible] continued in the daytime. The second generation of benzodiazepine hypnotics was marketed by the Upjohn company and it was Triazolam. The first big breakthrough in hypnotic efficacy research was the use of the sleep laboratory. The second big breakthrough, frankly, was the principle that you have 24 hour-day and if sleep is improved at night then alertness must be improved during the day. Comparing Dalmane to Halcion-- it was like day and night. Halcion improved sleep and improved daytime alertness using mobile sleep--
    Dalmane improved sleep but it impaired daytime alertness. Meanwhile, a new compound was being developed again in France, which has a tradename; Ambien and it was an imidazopyridines nonbenzodiazepines although apparently was a benzodiazepine-agonist. It was to some extent an improvement. It did not produce any withdrawal effects. With Halcion, when it was first marketed the FDA did get reports of side effects but certainly there was less when Ambien was introduced. I think it has passed the test of time in that regard. There just hasn't been any notoriety at all. My position is that a bottle of sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet is like a fire extinguisher in the basement. There are times when you need to get sleep and you can't. Lots of stories around the country, some very tragic, where they had terrible insomnia and then some tragic consequence due to the excessive daytime sleepiness. Meanwhile, physicians refusing to prescribe. It is now known of course that there is a circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion. In constant dim light there is a specific period of onset of melatonin secretion under the control of the biological clock and then it is in the system all night long. It's suppressed by light, there is a level of melatonin through the night then it decreases in the daytime.
    Now, one thing that is known, there are melatonin receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The biological clock can be-- it's time can be shifted by the administration of melatonin. For individuals who have insomnia due to the failure of synchrony between the daytime schedule and the circadian rhythm-- you can shift the clock by giving melatonin at times when it ordinarily isn't present. Many people feel that melatonin is also sedating and that, in some way, it sort of initiates the whole sleep process. I think that studies in which it has been used purely as a hypnotic have been, in my opinion, somewhat inconclusive. It is certainly not a potent sedative. The main reason for the widespread use of melatonin is, number one, you don't need a prescription. It's sold in health food stores. It's a normal hormone, so it ought to be very safe. Apparently, it is not totally dose-dependent, so a very small dose produces, for some people, at least the desired effect. But I think we have more to learn about melatonin

    1. i need help with that one too. tried today and failed

    2. Did you pass that test,help me out

  5. I passed today! Here's what I got for this one -
    Ian Oswald in Great Britain and Anthony Kales at UCLA were the first to study hypnotics in terms of all night sleep laboratory testing. That began when barbiturates were really the only thing available. It was clear that barbiturates were addicting, and that they were dangerous. This is about the time when the very first benzodiazepine hypnotic was marketed by Hoffmann-La Roche company and it was called Flurazepam. Dalmane was more effective than say, Nembutal. It was certainly much, much safer and tended not to lose its efficacy over a relatively short period of time. Now, nobody was studying sleep every night for months. Testing was done. Dalmane first of all did not suppress REM sleep-- so one of the things was it didn't suppress REM sleep. Well, it does suppress somewhat higher doses but at any rate, it induced sleep, it was safe, didn't suppress REM sleep. And what they missed entirely in those early days was that Dalmane had a long-acting active metabolite, sedation continued in the daytime. The second generation of benzodiazepine hypnotics was marketed by the Upjohn Company and it was Triazolam. The first big breakthrough in hypnotic efficacy research was the use of the sleep laboratory. The second big breakthrough, frankly, was the principle that you have 24-hour day and if sleep is improved at night then alertness must be improved during the day. Comparing Dalmane to Halcion - it was like day and night - Halcion improved sleep and improves daytime alertness using mobile sleep latency tests. Dalmane improved sleep but it impaired daytime alertness. Meanwhile, a new compound was being developed again in France which has a trade name "Ambien" and it was an imidazopyridine nonbenzodiazepine although apparently was a benzodiazepine-agonist. It was to some extent an improvement, it did not produce any withdrawal effects. With Halcion when it was first marketed, the FDA did get reports of side effects but certainly there was less when Ambien was introduced. I think it has passed the test of time in that regard, there just hasn't been any notoriety at all. My position is that a bottle of sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet is like a fire extinguisher in the basement, there are times when you need to get sleep and you can't. Lots of stories around the country, some very tragic, where they has terrible insomnia and then some tragic consequence due to the excessive daytime sleepiness. Meanwhile, physicians refusing to prescribe. It is now known of course that there is a circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion. In constant dim light there is a specific period of onset of melatonin secretion under the control of the biological clock and then it is in the system all night long. It's suppressed by light, there is a level of melatonin thought the night then it decreases in the daytime. Now, one thing that is known, there are melatonin receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The biological clock can be-- it's time can be shifted by the administration of melatonin. For individuals who have insomnia due to the failure of synchrony between the daytime schedule and the circadian rhythm you can shift the clock by giving melatonin at times when it ordinarily isn't present. Many people feel that melatonin is also sedating and that in some way, it sort of initiates the whole sleep process. I think that studies in which it has been used purely as a hypnotic have been in my opinion, somewhat inconclusive. It is certainly not a potent sedative. The main reason for the widespread use of melatonin is number one, you don't need a prescription, it's sold in health food stores, it's a normal hormone, so it ought to be very safe. Apparently it is not totally dose-dependent, so a very small dose produces, for some people, at least the desired effect. But I think we have more to learn about melatonin

    1. Well done! This one is very correct!!!

    2. i also passed the test..!!!

      Ian Oswald in Great Britain and Anthony Kales at UCLA were the first to study hypnotics in terms of all night sleep laboratory testing. That began when barbiturates were really the only thing available. It was clear that barbiturates were addicting, and that they were dangerous. This is about the time when the very first benzodiazepine hypnotic was marketed by Hoffmann-La Roche company and it was called flurazepam. Dalmane was more effective than say, Nembutal, it was certainly much, much safer and tended not to lose its efficacy over a relatively short period of time. Now, nobody was studying sleep every night for months. Testing was done. Dalmane, first of all, did not suppress REM sleep-- so one of the things was it didn't suppress REM sleep. Well, it does suppress somewhat at a higher doses, but at any rate, it induced sleep, it was safe, didn't suppress REM sleep, and what they missed entirely in those early days was that Dalmane had a long acting active metabolite, sedation continued in the daytime.
      The second generation of benzodiazepine hypnotics was marketed by the Upjohn Company and it was triazolam. The first big breakthrough in hypnotic efficacy research was to use of the sleep laboratory. The second big breakthrough, frankly, was the principle that you have 24-hour day and if sleep is improved at night, then alertness must be improved during the day, comparing Dalmane to Halcion - it was like day and night - Halcion, improve sleep and improved day time alertness using mobile sleep latency test. Dalmane improved sleep, but it impaired daytime alertness. Meanwhile, a new compound was being developed again in France, which has a trade name, Ambien, and it was an imidazopyridine nonbenzodiazepine although it apparently was a benzodiazepine agonist. It was to some extent an improvement, it did not produce any withdrawal effects. With Halcion when it was first marketed, the FDA did get reports of side effects, but certainly, there was less when Ambien was introduced. I think it is passed the test of time in that regard. There just hasn't been any notoriety at all. My position is that a bottle of sleeping pills in the medicine cabinet is like a fire extinguisher in the basement. There are times when you need to get sleep and you can't, lots of stories around the country, some very tragic where they had terrible insomnia and then some tragic consequence due to the excessive daytime sleepiness. Meanwhile, physicians refusing to prescribe.
      It is now known of course, that there is a circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion. In constant dim light, there's a specific period of onset of melatonin secretion under the control of the biological clock and then it is in the system all night long. It's suppressed by light, there's a level of melatonin through the night, and then it decreases in the daytime. Now, one thing that is known, there are melatonin receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The biological clock can be-- its time can be shifted by the administration of melatonin. For individuals who have insomnia due to the failure of synchrony between the daytime schedule and the circadian rhythm. You can shift the clock by giving melatonin at times when it ordinarily isn't present. Many people feel that melatonin is also sedating and that in some way sort of initiates the whole sleep process. I think that studies in which it has been used purely as a hypnotic have been, in my opinion, somewhat inconclusive. It is certainly not a potent sedative. The main reason for the widespread use of melatonin is number one, you don't need a prescription, it's sold in health food stores. It's a normal hormone so that it ought to be very safe. Apparently,, it is not totally dose dependent. So very small dose produces for some people, at least the desired effect. But I think we have more to learn about melatonin

  6. Do you mind repeating that again please?
    You know the bureaus have their own DIY dispute tools, you know credit cards and others have kind of these third party diys. Are those a significant competitive threat for your company?

    No because we are not looking to grow up and comptete with them .We understand and part of our sales process which is an improvement among all our competitors is to let people know. Certainly if they ask then what we are doing is different but

  7. someone to help me out here plz!!!
    i have failed this audio and i don't know why.
    one of the most important comments on deceit for the modern period, I think was made by Adam Smith, who is greatly revered, but very little read. He pointed out the major goal of business is to deceive and oppress the public, for good reasons. One of the striking features of the modern period is the institutionalization of that process, so that we now have huge industries devoted to deceiving the public, kind of very conscious about public relations industry, which strikingly developed in the freest countries, and for good reasons, to help Britain and the United States, at the time, roughly First World War when it was recognized that enough freedom had been won so you really can't control people by force. And you have to carry out modes of deception and manipulation in order to keep them under control.
    By now, these are huge industries. They not only dominate the marketing of commodities but by now they also overcontrol the political system. As anyone knows, who watches the US election it's marketing commodities, by same techniques that are used for marketing toothpaste. As far as self deceit is concerned, it seems to me that throughout history been mostly the vocation of the educated classes, who tend to be supportive of power systems, and that involves a lot of self deceit. You have to reconstruct a picture of the world and in order to be conducive to the interests and concerns of the educated classes. I started by saying there's two senses of globalization. Every term of political discourse virtually has two senses. There's a literal sense, and sense is used for doctrinal warfare, propaganda through terrorism, aggression, ticket choice, this happens to be globalization.
    Well, there's two senses of globalization. There's the doctrinal sense, which refers to the specific form of economic international integration that's organized by major corporations, few powerful states, within the framework of the so called Washington Consensus, World Trade Organization, and so on. That's one form in the literal sense of Doctor But globalization just needs international integration. And there, there's a huge number of people dedicated to globalization. They're called anti globalization. So if you take a look symbolically at the World Economic Forum, the World Social Forum, World Economic Forum represents a tiny sector of highly privileged people. And their form of international integration is called globalization. World Social Forum draws from a wider range of people in the world as any organization ever has, I mean, all over the world, different walks of life. And their form of globalization is called anti globalization. So yeah, deceit is a technique of control on the part of the powerful and forces unavailable, even when force is available. And self deceit is a substantial part of the history of the educated classes.
    Is there any relationship in your own life? Or do you see any connection between your linguistic work and your continued analysis of deceit and self deception in society,
    there's a kind of a loose connection and the truth is that if I was an algebraic topologist, I could do the same, political work wouldn't have any connection to it. Analysis of the language of propaganda and so on is just common sense. You don't have to have any special knowledge about it. But there is a connection and in fact, the connection was brought out during the enlightenment in the early romantic period. So it takes a figures like we're so for example, Wilhelm von Humboldt is the most extreme, he was one of the founders of classical liberalism, but he was also a leading linguist and he drew some of the potential connections all coming from a kind of Cartesian source, namely, the idea that the core element of human beings in the Cartesian picture distinguishes humans from animals and machines. The core property is a kind of creative capacity that humans have and no beast or machine has.

    1. hello. did you get the answer. am also stuck here.

    2. Hello. Did you find the answer.

  8. Excellent Latency Test! I was impressed by the accuracy and speed of the results. It's crucial to optimize website performance, and this test helped me identify potential areas for improvement. Highly recommended for anyone looking to enhance their online presence and user experience. Kudos to the team behind this fantastic tool.


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