GoTranscript Audio Test Answers pdf

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. And yes, you do have to type this part, you silly billy.

Speaker 2 (00:10):

Having thus fully described the manner in which I construct and use my improved firearm and the respective articles of apparatus [inaudible 00:00:21] it has been necessary in so doing to mention that in part, which I do not claim as new, the same being similar to what has been before used in patents that I make or which are common property. I do hereby declare therefore that I limit my claim to the following particulars. By the way, I'm making this audio at the behest of GoTranscript.

Speaker 2 (00:44):

First, the making of a groove or channel on the arbor for the purpose of conducting off the smoke from the lateral discharge and thus deserving the arbor clean within the receiver and the tube by which the barrel is connected. Second, the particular matter of forming and governing the key by which the barrel is attached to the stock, by making the same with grooves in which the heads of overlapping screw heads are received and with a tempering screw to check and regulate the faction as an edge, as set forth in the GoTranscript guidelines. There is a particular manner of forming and governing the key by which the barrel is attached to the stock. By making the same with screws in which the heads of overlapping screw heads are received and with a tempering screw to check and regulate a faction as a web as set forth.

Speaker 2 (01:36):

If you're doing this for the GoTranscript aduio test, make sure you check the guidelines to do the numbers correctly. For the particular manner of forming and governing the key by which the barrel is attached to the stock by making the same with screws in which the heads of overlapping screw heads are received and with a tempering screw to check and regualte it back to the [inaudible 00:01:59] as set forth. I've worked for a lot of transcription companies, but GT is the best so far.

Speaker 2 (02:05):

Fit the making of the aperture through the tubes or nickels, which received the percussion caps [inaudible 00:02:10] for the purpose of freely admitting the fire from the percussion cap and concentrating it as it enters the chamber. Oh, by the way, it isn't correct if you make your paragraphs more than 500 characters long or is it 500 words? Better check with GT guidelines to be sure. Six, the manner of arranging the bolts in its spring can for locking and unlocking the receiver. The same being constructed and offering to the [inaudible 00:02:39].

Speaker 2 (02:41):

Make sure every sentence ends with some sort of punctuation mark per GT. Also, the manner of constructing and the arranging the bolt in its spring can [inaudible 00:02:52] under that modification barrel adopted in the pistol for [inaudible 00:02:57]. Finally, if you're writing yeah instead of yes, you obviously haven't studied the GT guideline. However, it's possible that you [inaudible 00:03:07], have you checked? You really should try to do that before hitting the submit test button. Anyway, if you don't, the ratchet [inaudible 00:03:17], as set forth by GoTranscript, if I reached a hinge joint to allow the lateral motion of disband, as described by me and my former patent, [inaudible 00:03:29] and consequence for the placement of the ratchet can be unsafe. Instead of on the side of the wheel and operating in the same manner described as applied to the rifle and to the pistol.

Speaker 1 (03:42):

This here audio is used solely for the transcriber test at GoTranscript. There you go. 

1) Which sentence is written correctly?

  a) I have never forgotten my mother's advise. 

  b) I have never forgotten my mothers advise.

  c) I have never forgotten my mother's advice.

  d) I have never forgot my mother advice.

2) I ___ a freelancer

 a) am

 b) wore

 c) be 

 d) is

3) If there is a sound of laughter made not by the speaker but by other people, should, if at all, it be included in the transcription? Full Verbatim.

 a) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

 b) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of {laughter}. 

 c) It should always be on the same line in the format of (laughter).

  d) It should always be written on the same line and in the format of [LAUGHTER].

  e) It should always be written on a separate line and in the format of [laughter].

   f) It should always be written on a separate line in the format of [LAUGHTER].

4) What do you have to do when a person agrees on something by saying, “Yep” or “Ok”? Clean Verbatim

a) “Yep”, “Aha”, “Mm-hmm” must be written as “Yes”. “Ok” must be written as “Okay”.

 b) Spell it the way it sounds.

5) What is a correct format of the website links?

 a) www dot facebook dot com slash groups slash gotranscript


6) Full Verbatim does not include:

 a) ___

 b) Repetitions 

c) Speech Errors

d) Filler words

e) False Starts

f) Slang words

g) Stutters

7) Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) In the first place modern communicators, have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

b) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home. 

c) In the first place modern communicators have made it possible, for many people, to work from home.

 d) In the first place, modern communicators have made it possible for many people to work from home.                  

8) If there is a comment next to the audio le saying, “Please use the embedded time” or “burned-in time”, what do you have to do?

a) Putting the correct form of timestamping IS an essential part of a transcriber’s job. Please download a file and follow the time on the screen in order to correctly put the burned-in timestamps. 

b) Timestamping will be done automatically on the GoTranscript tool, so you do not have to do anything extra.

9) Which sentence/sentences is/are correctly capitalized and punctuated?

 a) jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight. 

b) jack tried a new diet, but still gained weight. 

c) Jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight. 

d) Jack tried a new diet but still gained weight.                 

10) Longer speeches should be separated into the paragraphs of:

a) About 300 words or 9-12 lines in the transcription tool. 

b) About 100 words or 3-4 lines in the transcription tool.

c) About 200 words or 6-8 lines in the transcription tool. 

d) About 50 words or 1-3 lines in the transcription tool.                  


  1. The speaker mentioned a credit card number on a call. What should you do?


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