GoTranscript Test Answers December 02, 2022


Our next speaker whose deathless prose will constitute our GoTranscript audio test, concluded her high school career with a grade point average of 3.87, the second highest GPA in the class of 2020, which is, you know, struggled under a lot of unexpected hardships, so we tend to cut them a little more slack. Anyway, here you go, Ms. Willamina. Tell.

Ms. Willamina. Tell:

Hey, thank you. And thank you, Danny. Sure, do appreciate that introduction. It is my great pleasure to sit here in front of this zoom monitor tonight, as a representative of the long suffering but still relatively good natured class of 2020. We've been together my classmates for let's see, least four years now. Some of us had to repeat a few classes for reasons we all know, all too well.

But you know, life is tough, isn't it? Anyway, it's a long time, four years, 48 months, or 1500 days or 35,000 hours or 1.2 million minutes or 126 million seconds? Oh, and guess what? I didn't have to look those numbers up or using online calculator. I actually figured them out by hand in my spare time, which I'm sure you'll all agree we've had an awful lot of during our high school years.

There's only so much you can do on Zoom. Right? So it's been an interesting time. But thanks be to whoever you want to thank it's over now, at least for the moment. I for 1:00 AM Going to a great college, the South Harmon Institute of Technology located alongside a creek and Canada. There's a great little motel there too, if you ever want to come and visit. Anyway, way back in the 70s when my grandmother was in her 70s. I asked her if she had ever been to college. She said yes, but it was the school of hard knocks, and she'd rather I found something a little less dramatic. She then revealed that she'd started a college fund for me where she squirreled away all her hard earned moolah, from working at JoAnn Fabrics and crafts. I was really touched.

But imagine my surprise, when I found out that the total of her earnings was only about five grand a drop in the bucket to the half a million bucks, I'd need to get into the school of my choice. Still, Granny did her best. And what with gas prices on the rise? That five grand will at least help me get a halfway decent ebike right. Anyway, thanks for listening class of 2020. And now get out there and get all your vaccines please. So future generations don't have to go through what we went through.


Thanks, Willamina. This is Danny again. And just a reminder, this was a GoTranscript audio test intended for future transcribers. Thanks for listening.

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