GoTranscript Audio Test Answers December 30, 2021

 Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

Well, hello, everybody, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, this is your new audio test. And I'm hoping that it'll be something that will help catapult you into the ranks of the top GoTranscript transcribers and maybe even an editor someday, if you're really good. But, you know, you just have to be sure to read the, the guidelines. And remember, this is clean, verbatim, not full verbatim. And there's a big difference in which I mean, there's a big difference because you have to do things like eliminate false starts and filler words. And you also have to be aware of the numbers and the stuff with the numbers. Like if somebody says that they got five or 10 things at the store today, you need to know, are you supposed to spell out both five and 10? Or are you supposed to spell out five? And use the number for 10? Are you supposed to do something else? The answer is in the guidelines, but you have to check them to find out. So make sure that you do it, right. Okay. And just remember that all your transcriptions are going to be checked by the editors, and you're going to get rated.

So if your rating goes too low, you're going to get kicked out. But hopefully, that won't be an issue for you, because you're going to study the guidelines, right? And you, you're gonna say, if somebody says Ghana, or kinda or sorta, you're going to fix it, right, and you're going to study the guidelines, right? So if you don't, you're not going to get approved as a transcriber. Because another thing to know is, even if you use all the words, right, your formatting could be what gets you kicked out, because you're supposed to make your paragraphs a certain length. And you're supposed to use quotation marks and punctuation marks in certain ways, and not in other ways. And just keep in mind that the easier the test audio is, the more little traps like that there are in this test for you to have to figure out. Like if I say that, we're getting ready to watch A Christmas Story on TV for the 200th time. You need to know how to format the title of that particular movie, do you put it in quotation marks? Or do you bold it? Or do you italicize it?

Well, I'm not going to tell you. But you have to look it up in the guidelines and find out. And what if somebody makes a noise in the background? Like? Yeah, like what if somebody chimes in when he's not supposed to be talking while I'm doing this test? Well, if it's something that I reacted to, you have to transcribe it right. So that means you need to check the guidelines on the Speaker Labels and see what happens when there's more than one speaker. And you can't just put guy, unless that's his name, you have to put something else. So there's all that information is in the guidelines. So just be sure to look them up. And let's see, what else do I need to tell you? Oh, oh, yeah. Well, if we're talking about money, let's say that you've suddenly look at your bank account, and you notice that suddenly, there's been a bank error in your favor, and you've got one and a half million bucks in there. Well, how are you supposed to format that in your transcript? You're supposed to put the words or are you supposed to put the numbers or are you supposed to put a combination of it? And, you know, all that sort of stuff is stuff that we check for. So in conclusion, make sure that you read the guidelines. Okay. And meanwhile, have a great weekend. And we'll see you at the next transcriber test.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript Audio test answers December 2021

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  1. Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.


    Speaker 2: One of the most remarkable features of American municipal development has been the extraordinary growth of municipal expenditures, the functions and activities of modern city government are just so doggone numerous and buried as to require a larger number of officials and a greater expenditure of money than is required for the conduct   [unintelligible 00:00:34] the various governments under which we live. By far the larger part of the taxes contributed by those who live in the cities like the busy GoTranscript staff, go to meet the expenses of municipal government. In 1920 the budget of bus lin New York city was over 270,000,000, that's million with an "m", while that of wide shoulder Chikago was 130,000,000, in each case the amount was between five and 11 times greater than the appropriations for the support of the government of state in which the city is situated. The annual cost of operating our largest city exceeds what was required to maintain the national government in its early days, and it is greater than the national budget of a number of European countries today, with the costfull exception Transylvania, where the blood banks always seem to be full. New York city in 1910 had debt almost as large as GoTranscripts national debt. For annual interest account alone being in the neighbourhood of 30,000,000 dollars. The proper raising and expenditure of such fast sums of money is one of the most difficult tasks of city govornment, for this purpose there are accessors, collectors, treasurers, comptrollers, proof readers, editors, gotranscript admins or auditors and various other officials. The LeVian of the taxes is everywhere power of the city council, though in many states Eugene and Daniel Levy have been given the amount of taxes which made the Levy buy it  because  Schitts Creek was  amazing wasn't it? Plus and  after proved nothing before mentioned peptized fuels set a little more quickly than the usual thickened fuels although their general appearance after sitting is the same. The time it takes for thinning to occur depends on the temperature of the fuel, at 75 degrees Fahrenheit or higher thinning occurs in approximately one to two hours at temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit thinning occurs several days after preparation of the peptized fuel. Anyway Chicago receives a larger percentage of the earnings of some of the street wayaways like the Angels Flight funicular in Los Angeles which hadn't been working for years but still pulls in the tourists especially the GoTranscript workers and their super long lunch breaks. Getting back to Chicago, that amount aggravates more than 1.5 million per year even in the despised 2020.

    Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

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