GoTranscript Audio Test Answers November 02, 2021

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Hello there. My name is Johan. Today we will talk about the Asia academic state of socio economic issues in Central Asia, and how they're all related to the country shift to capitalism. My colleague John will exclusively focus on the region of Fergana valley, the valley, which stretches across the eastern part of Uzbekistan, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, forming the historical heart of Central Asia. This site is about Armenians, where the population is 15 million in evidence. Whenever attention to Central Asia is made, which is often it is the very cultural part of the world where Russian Crimean slows Armenians and Turkey Xeons live together, and it has been the breadbasket of foods in constant supply. However, after its collapse in 1991, the economy crashed.

Therefore, living conditions decreased sharply throughout the whole region as well. Uzbekistan, Kurdistan and Tajikistan are highly interdependent countries about water and resources. There is a significant cause of international and local pensions. The root cause of the issue is linked to the collapse of the USSR, by which three independent countries appeared, namely critics Don, who's Becca, Stan and Tajikistan. However, there are unclear border definitions related to clashes around the dominant ethnic enclaves, as well as state policies. Soviets left behind industrial and chemical radioactive waste, because they were not concerned about waste disposal and recycling. People with very little knowledge of how to deal with a grid of waste products are in charge, and no one knows what they're doing. Also, agricultural resources were limited.

Not only does Fergana Valley have a lack of natural resources now, but it is also facing rapid population growth and high unemployment rates, even though it has a tremendous effect. That's not its biggest problem, though, because that population is not evenly distributed across the valley. However, the population problem intensifies competition for control and natural resources. Collective farming was abolished after the collapse of the USSR, so it affected the economy, making people more vulnerable to poverty and insecurity. Many colleges, farmers and vagabonds migrated to the cities for employment, whether us six dominated the job market. An excellent example is the city of Oshkosh, which is situated in Kurdistan, but traditionally had a majority of the Uzbek population, at least 1500 More than its nearest neighbor. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, a large number of courageous people migrated to wash, culminating in a greater population in 92.

Speaker 1:

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GoTranscript Audio test answers October 2021

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