Which sentence is written and capitalized correctly? Clean Verbatim. | It has got to be called incumbent.

Hello dear friends!

Are you want the answer to the given question?

Which sentence is written and capitalized correctly? Clean Verbatim.

Then I am trying to provide you the correct answer to this question.

The question is given below.

Which sentence is written and capitalized correctly? Clean Verbatim.

a) it has gotta be called incumbent.

b) It has gotta be called incumbent.

c) It has got to be called incumbent.

d) it has got to be called incumbent.

According to the transcriptions rule the option, (C) is correct.


Friends according to transcriptions rule: we must transcribe slang words in full verbatim and here gotta is a slang word and it must be transcribed in the form of going to. In the given question,  you see that in options A and B the slang words are not transcribed and in option D the first letter of the sentence is not capitalized.

Therefore, option (C) is correct.



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