GoTranscript audio test answers 24 December 2020

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Speaker 1: Okay, the recorders on do you? Do you understand that this recording will be used for the audio test to GoTranscript?

Speaker 2:

Sure, as long as you know, I'm only doing it because we're such good pals he was he's.

Speaker 1:

Not all together. I think that it's because you never dwell upon details. 

Speaker 2:

You're saying a conversation is. 

Speaker 1:

Unnecessary things. Yeah. 

Speaker 2:

Remember that when doing a zoom meeting with some GoTranscript admins, I have seen in person for several years, our facilitator said to me, ever since you got on screen, I've been trying to figure out why you're such a doggone good conversationalist. I've decided that it is because you omit unnecessary details. I felt that my facilitator had paid me a high compliment. 

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but since I've given you at least six myself, or maybe that was 12. I forget. Anyway, whatever. I just don't think you need any more is what I'm saying. Now, even in telling this incident, you were direct. The Super bore would have sidetracked it was innumerable and irrelevant details. Frankly, sweetie pie. I don't believe you could bore a person if you were to try. 

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. Well hold my beer sugar and listen to this. Several years ago, four years ago, just this last June? No, it was only three years ago cuz I remember now that four years ago, I did not attend the alumni reunion of our college and so must have been about three years ago, I was the guest of one of the members of my class. I was a ken don, the annual reunion of the elimination of our college. Almost every year I attend the alumni reunion of our college and on this occasion, I was the guest of one of the members of my class. She had not been attending the reunions. And so, I had not seen her for several years. or five years at least. and 

Speaker 1:
Stuff. Stop already. I get the point. 
Speaker 2:
At work. Did I bore you? 
Speaker 1:
Yeah. Although not as much as the 70-page note, my last go transcript editor left me Yeah, it was pretty annoying. I'm not that it wasn't on point just that it went on, on- on- on and 
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1: 
Any who I've decided that you are interesting. Yes, indeed, duty, as Ralph on Green Acres used to say mainly because you have such as dependence daggering breath breadth of conceit. You seem to be fully aware of what you possess. It's bronzer. 
Speaker 2:
My talent or my conceit? Oh, well, then I hope in some way, I've helped you create this audio test. 
Speaker 1: 
Oh, you have some poor schmuck out there smacking themselves on the head and saying, isn't there any better way to make money? 
Speaker 2:
On that note, let's conclude this GoTranscript audio test. Here's wishing you some good Mojo.

GoTranscript test 24 December

Thanks for visiting GoTranscript audio test answers. 


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  1. Always try to attend these types of reunion. You won't get it everyday. meeting with old buddies always gives you goosebumps. When their will be a Alumni Reunion try to attend that.


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