How should the names of the films, books, magazines, song titles, artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, foreign expressions look in the transcription?

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(How should the names of the films, books, magazines, song titles, artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, foreign expressions look in the transcription?)

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Question is given below.

Question: How should the names of the films, books, magazines, song titles, artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, foreign expressions look in the transcription?

a) It should be bolded.

b) It should always be italicized.

c) There are no specific requirements for names of the films, books, magazines, song titles, artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, or foreign expressions.

According to transcription guidelines the correct option is

b) It should always be italicized.


GoTranscript MCQs Test Answer

The option B is correct because according to transcription guidelines

Italicize film, book, magazine, song titles, as well as artworks, plays, TV and radio programs, foreign expressions et cetera. Example: I watched an episode of Friends the other day.

·        NOTE: There is no need to italicize social media sites, company names, the Bible, books within the Bible, versions of it or other sacred writings (Koran, New Testament, Genesis, et cetera). John 1:2–3. If multiple citations: John 1:3; 3:16; 6:14, 44.


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