GoTranscript Test Answer 17 November 2020

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Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

How to Pass GoTranscript Test 2020


Speaker 2: Well, good morning, everybody or good afternoon or good evening, depending on when you're taking this test. This is another one of my stream of consciousness audio tests for GoTranscript, where I'm just driving around looking at the sights and sounds. I guess I should say listening to the sounds, right? You don't usually see sounds, I mean, unless you're on some kind of hallucinogenic, which you probably shouldn't be on, okay? I know, 2020, right? But come on. Let's be safe, shall we? Anyway, I'm driving around the beautiful San Fernando Valley, it was a wonderful day today, it's autumn. It's November and let's see, It's about 64 degrees Fahrenheit here on the old GoTranscript thermometer. 

And you know, if you are familiar with our Facebook group, we had a big shout-out smack down the other day about whether you're supposed to type that little degree’s symbol or just type out the word degrees. Well, my preference is just to type out the word, and let me explain why. Not only am I a GoTranscript admin, I also do transcribing. When I do these audio tests, like this one, the stream of consciousness ones, I transcribe it myself when I get home so that I can make sure that I know just how hard it's going to be for you, the transcriber to do it. I want you to know, I make that sacrifice for you a lot, okay? Hope you appreciate it.


Anyway, the whole thing with the degree sign is that, I don't know about you, but unless I'm on my home keyboard, my big PC, it's really tricky to find it on the keyboard, on my phone or on my devices, so I'd rather make things easier for the transcriber and just say type it out, okay? Just type out the word degrees, it's okay with us. We don't mind. There's a few editors that might be kind of sticklers to that or, may kind of think that it's supposed to be the symbol, but you know what, if they mark it as an error and they put the degree symbol in, it's okay for you to contact support and ask them about it, because we really do actually have some leeway for the transcribers, believe it or not. So, whether it's a 30 degrees Celsius or a 75 degrees Fahrenheit, or that my car is leaning at a 30 degree angle, because my left tire is a little flat. Then no matter which way I use the word degrees just use the word degrees, right? Degrees, not decrease, now beware, there's some sound-alike words that won't show up on your spell checkers and stuff.


One of those almost sound-alike words is decrease, which some people might hear as degrees, that's why we say don't use AI, okay? If you use something like AI or Otter, or whatever those things are that people use nowadays, it's not going to catch stuff like that, I guarantee it. We need a human pair of eyeballs to look at these transcripts, okay? I'm coming to the end of my ramble here, so I'd just like to ask you to just take some time, just look through the guidelines before you submit your test. And just remember, the longer you take to kind of look through it, the more likely you are to find the mistakes you made, fix them and get in here and start working for us. Thanks. We appreciate your efforts.


Speaker 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.


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