A customer dictates instruction on how to transcribe audio. Do you have to transcribe the instruction word for word?

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(A customer dictates instruction on how to transcribe audio. Do you have to transcribe the instruction word for word?)

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Question is given below.

Question: A customer dictates instruction on how to transcribe audio. Do you have to transcribe the instruction word for word?

a) Instruction should be followed AND transcribed.

b) Instruction should be transcribed.

c) Instruction for spoken directions (new paragraph, comma, period) should only be followed unless a client specifies otherwise.

According to transcription guidelines the correct option is

c) Instruction for spoken directions (new paragraph, comma, period) should only be followed unless a client specifies otherwise.



A customer dictates instruction on how to transcribe audio. Do you have to transcribe the instruction word for word?

The option c is correct because according to transcription guidelines

Occasionally customers dictate instructions to format the transcription while they are speaking. These instructions should be followed when possible, but never transcribed. Follow customer requests for spoken directions such as a new paragraph, comma, period, or a bullet point (use a dash). Do not type out the instruction.

Ø  If a speaker spells a word or a name, Example: My name is Anna. A-N-N-A.


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