GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 27 September 2020 Download Pdf


GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 27 September 2020

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to count out some numbers. So please be sure you've reviewed the guidelines of go transcript for formatting number numerals. Otherwise you may be left out in the lurch. And I don't mean lurch from The Addams Family either. Ready? Okay, here we go. There are 12 doughnuts in a dozen, right? Except sometimes you want to get a half dozen, which is six. That means half a dozen of anything is six. Because dozen is 12. But have you ever heard of a baker's dozen? a baker's dozen is 13. Because bakers are or used to be very generous and would give their customers a little something extra to keep them coming back. Nowadays Baker's are business people.

Speaker 2:

So if you order a dozen, a dozen This way, you bet. Still, there are a few generous speakers left who will throw in that extra KONATE or GoTranscript jelly if you're nice to them. So now I have to ask what's half of a baker's dozen, then, if a baker's dozen is 13? half of that would be what six and a half. So is the baker supposed to cut the extra donut in half? What if you're ordering a dozen pasta and creams that could get kind of messy. Maybe we should change the whole concept of the baker's dozen to be an even 14. So you can get a full seven from that mythical generous Baker, Duncan GoTranscript. Let's go from doughnuts to something a little more complicated. So you're at the hardware store and you're buying a bunch of nails for carpentry project. Now nails usually come in boxes of 100. But if you only need a few days, why can't you prorate the price and just pay per nail? Well, that sounds like a good idea.

Speaker 2:

But nails are actually pretty cheap. And most countries don't have the equivalent of a penny anymore, do they? I actually don't know the answer to that because I've never traveled outside my own little province. But thanks to Google and the GoTranscript style guide. I know there are four basic types of nails, drywall, flooring, flake, framing, and roofing. There are also specialty nails, which makes me realize I've seen those little upholstery nails before. In fact, I've tripped over them. The wood joiner nails look like bugs I've swatted in the bathroom. Strangely enough, the hardware store doesn't mention squoval nails, which I never heard of. But now I'm learning to try getting back to numbers. Most people have 10 fingernails and 10 toenails. But if you can only afford to get a few nails painted. I'd recommend starting with two specifically your index fingers. Those are the ones people are most likely to see when you're pointing out the mistakes in that transcripts.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

GoTranscript audio test answers 27 September

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