GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 19 September 2020


GoTranscript Audio Test Answer 19 September

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 2:

Yes, children have GoTranscript yesterday I was having a bad day. I went to the diner hoping the building would collapse. To see the menu because I just had that eyelashes died. Everything was cloudy. A lonely Porter was letting his cat smite the leprechaun he introduced show footbath as a letterbox. Why must I always people, puppets and puppets here? I decided to order the big fish, but it was a little too big if you ask me. A heavy salad might as well be a casserole twila the waitress was acting like a disgruntled Pelican. No one here realize I am a professional GoTranscript transcriptionist. After all, one must always champion oneself must important. twila averted by elbow insisting that I hadn't paid for my meal. You know, that's exactly the kind of paranoia that makes me weary of spending time with these local yokels. They're all bored, lethargic and practically gripping with on me.

Speaker 2:

If only I had let my son make me those fabulous on geladas he excels in crafting back in the GoTranscript kitchen. It makes me realize how Mercurial Our lives are. We all imagined being carried from the ashes by the goddess Artemis transcript editors, but we wind up in a few nariyal Parade led by a ballad Tron from Barnum and Bailey. As if I hadn't already had enough relays for one afternoon, a local business conglomerate decided to hold its luncheon in the adjoining chamber. One decadent capitalist delivered himself of a long Pan gyra coupon captains of industry, such as the GoTranscript admins, upon the good they do by giving them work by booming the country by reducing the cost of production and so forth, etc.

Speaker 2:

When the capitalist had finished his solo craze and flushed and satisfied, had sat down again, Father, Ted crilley, Pastor of Our Lady of GoTranscript on craggy Island, Rose and said, quiet significance. Is there any other center that would like to say a word? No one dared to speak talk about it. Well, we know all too well that every bureaucracy tends to become a pet dental procedure, but despatches the sole business. Still, I cannot hide what I am David. I must be sad when I have caused the epidemic. When I have stomach when I am drowsy, laugh when I am married, and Claude no man or woman in his or her humors unless it's my transcript.

Speaker 1:

This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.


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