GoTranscript Audio Test Answers 01 September 2020

Speaker 1:
This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.
Speaker 2:
The ingenious automatic or throttle pipettes were introduced by right, and can easily be calibrated in any dental lab at GoTranscript. They're exceedingly useful for graduate and small pipettes, measuring small quantities of fluids, preparing dilutions of serum for agglutination reactions and for keeping Morrison Hodge out of trouble. They're usually made from the capillary Pasteur pipettes.
Speaker 2:
Here's how to manufacture your own five cubic millimeter pipette and calibrate it yourself for fun or profit. It might even be more profitable than being a transcriber at TT, although that's hard to picture. Ain't it? First, pick a pipette with a fairly roomy capillary portions, smooth even walls. Collect the cotton wool plug out of the open end, heat the capillary portion near the free extremity in the bypass flame of the Bunsen burner in your luxurious GoTranscript cubicle. Then draw it out into a very fine hair-like tube. If you're an elf, break it across your knee. This hair like extremity will permit the passage of air, but it's too fine for metallic mercury to pass.
Speaker 2:
Now, with just a rubber teet to the pipette and put pressure on the bulb. Gradually drive that mercury in an unbroken column down the capillary tube, until it is stopped by the filiform extremity at GoTranscript. Cut off the capillary tube exactly at the upper level of the column of mercury. Invert it, like that shy guy who lives in your basement, and allow the mercury to run out. Snap off the remainder of the capillary tube from the broad upper portion of the pipette, which is now destined to form the covering tube or air chamber or what some folks at GT call, the barrel. Nobody I know, but somebody.
Speaker 2:
Anyway, this barrel now has the lower end in the form of a truncated cone. The upper end being cut's [way 00:02:29] up, remove the teet. Now, introduce that capillary tube into this barrel with filiform extremity uppermost. Square-cut in projection at about 0.5 centimeters beyond the taper and end of the barrel. Drop a small pellet of sealing wax into the barrel of GoTranscript's lunchroom. Then, if you've got the nerve, warm the tube at the gas flame until the wax becomes softened and makes an air tight joint between the capillary tube and the end of the barrel. Fit a rubber baby buggy bumper into the open end of the barrel. There you go, as pretty a pipette as you could hope to make. You can depend on it to aspirate and deliver exactly five centimeters of fluid every time here it GoTranscript, especially if you're not watching YouTube at the same time.
Speaker 2:
Now you might need to make a slight modification to this procedure for making tubes bigger than a bread box. O of 75 centimeters, whichever comes first. Once you get up to 100 centimeters, you'll have to take a short length of [Quill 00:03:42] tubing and draw out one end into a roomy capillary stem at GoTranscript. And again, draw out the extremity into a fine hair point. Thus forming a small Pasteur pipette with the hair light capillary extremity.
Speaker 1:
This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

The Answer is in Red form.

1) What should you do with curse words?

a) Leave the curse words out.
b) Transcribe it word for word.

2) What is the correct format of timestamping (Change of a Speaker)?

a) Speaker: [00:00:00]
b) [00:00:00] Speaker:
c) [00:00:00) Speaker:
d) Speaker (00:00)
e) [00:00:00:00] speaker
f) {00:00:00:00:}Speaker.

3) Which form is the correct one when showing affirmation? Full Verbatim

a) Ok
b) Mm
c) Mm-hmm
d) Alright

4) What is the correct way to mark False Starts in Full Verbatim?

a) I went to-- I slept well last night.
b) There is no need to mark a false start in a full verbatim file.
c) I went to bed--- and slept well last night.

5) What is the rule about slang words in Clean Verbatim?

a) Slang words should be transcribed the way it is said in the audio.
b) Examples of slang words are: gonna, wanna, kinda. It has to be written
respectively as going to, want to, kind of.
c) You don't have to transcribe slang words.

6) If the audio has no sound:

a) Think like a client. If audio isn't playing for technical reasons, report this file and
b) Put a tag of [silence] and finish the job.

7) What are the basic rules to apply while transcribing an audio Úle? Clean Verbatim

a) The beginning of a sentence should always be capitalized.
b) Longer speeches should be separated into smaller paragraphs. Paragraphs
shouldn't be longer than 500 symbols.
c) Punctuation is not a part of the transcriber’s work.

8) Which sentence/sentences is/are correctly capitalized and punctuated?

a) Jack tried a new diet but still gained weight.
b) jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight.
c) jack tried a new diet, but still gained weight.
d) Jack tried a new diet, but he still gained weight.

9) How should you transcribe a spelled word?

a) It is transcription. T.R.A.N.S.C.R.I.P.T.I.O.N.
b) It is transcription. T-R-A-N-S-C-R-I-P-T-I-O-N.
c) It is transcription. TRANSCRIPTION.
d) It is transcription. T_R_A_N_S_C_R_I_P_T_I_O_N.

10) How do repetitions look in Full Verbatim?

a) I sang—I sang a song.
b) I sang – I sang a song.
c) I sang- I sang a song.
d) I sang -I sang a song.


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